Our Progress

2024 SCH Medical Device CoE Training

The 2024 SCH APEC Medical Device CoE Training’ was held from Oct. 8th - 31st 2024.
The training is solely online at the SCH training website and there were 2 Untact Conferences for better engagement of speakers and participants.
Untact Conference 1 was held on Oct. 8th, 2024 and 77 participants attended.
The Untact Conference 2 was held on Oct. 29th, 2024 and 97 participants attended.
There were a total of 10 lectures, 9 were uploaded on the training website and 1 was delivered during the Untact Conference 2. 

2023 SCH Medical Device CoE Training

The ‘2023 SCH APEC Medical Device CoE Training’ was held from Nov. 1st - 24th 2023.
The training is mainly online at the training website and there will be a Special Session (In-person hands-on workshop) on Nov. 7th - 8th 2023 at Grand Hyatt Hotel Incheon, South Korea.
The Special Session focused on practicing the virtual cases of Hands-on - 1 (IMDRF Adverse Event Terminology Exercise) and Hands-on - 2 (Classification of IVD Medical Devices Exercise).
There were 7 pre-recorded lecture videos for online training. Both online and offline participants need to watch the lecture videos on the training website to complete the training. 

2022 SCH Medical Device CoE Training.

The APEC CoE Training for 2022 will be held on 7th and 8th of November, 2022.
This year, we are planning to organize a hybrid training (online+offline)
and there will be a total of 8 lectures and 2 group discussion sessions within 1.2 days of training.

2021 SCH Medical Device CoE Training

The APEC CoE Training on medical devices, hosted by Soonchunhyang University (SCH) was successfully held from September 1st to 21st, 2021 for 3 weeks.

The main theme of this training program was ‘Clinical evidence for medical devices: generation and utilization’.

This 9.7-hour course of online training was delivered to total of 148 participants from 14 APEC economies and 2 non-APEC economies, which included 10 speakers and 138 trainees.

2020 AHC SCH Medical Device Pilot CoE Training

Soonchunhyang University submitted its application in May 2020 and received an approval to be a pilot Center of Excellence, following the APEC RHSC meeting in June.

The APEC CoE Pilot Training on medical devices, co-hosted by APEC Harmonization Center (AHC) and Soonchunhyang (SCH) University, was successfully held from October 26th to November 17th, 2020.

A 9.3-hour course of online training was made available for 3 weeks Total of 143 participants from 13 APEC economies participated in the training program, which included 13 speakers and 130 trainees.

In December 2020, Soonchunhyang University was successful in becoming the official APEC Regulatory Training Center of Excellence in Medical Devices.